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Cryogenic Air Separation Plant

Air Compressor

Air Compressor



Purification Unit

Purification Unit

Turbo Expander

Turbo Expander

Oxygen Compressed Equipment

Oxygen Compressed Equipment

Oxygen Filling Equipment

Oxygen Filling Equipment

Cryogenic Air Separation Plants

Flow Chart


Stage 1
Air compressors -- The air will be compressed by it until O.5MPa-O.7MPa

Stage 2
Pre-cooling unit -- The air will be pre-cooled by this unit untiI5°C-1 O°C, and water shall be separated from the air.

Stage 3
Purification -- The residual water, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbon will be separated from the air in this purifier.

Stage 4
Air expansion -- The air will be expanded in this expander and produces the cold for the process.

Stage 5
Air Cooling -- The air will be cooled by the counter-flowing gaseous oxygen ,gaseous nitrogen and waste nitrogen in the main heat exchanger of the rectification column until liquefing temperature of the air.

Stage 6
After-cooling -- The liquid air and liquid nitrogen are after-cooled by the gaseous nitrogen before their being throttled.

Stage 7

Rectification -- The air is rectified and separated in the rectification column.Thus the product gaseous nitrogen will be gained from the top of upper column and the product gaseous oxygen will be gained at the bottom of upper column.

Oxygen/Nitrogen Gas & Liquid Argon Separation Plant

Liquid Oxygen Plants

Liquid Nitrogen Plants